Weathershield Windows Reviews | Understanding Replacement Windows

2014-01-10 73

There are typically three options when choosing to replace your existing windows:

1. Full Frame Replacement
2. Pocket Soultion
3. Tilt Sash Replacement

The full frame replacement is exactly what it sounds like. This involves replacing the whole window and frame, taking out the existing window and trim down to the studs.

This solution works well when you don't need to worry about the trim or when you are replacing the existing units with a different shape or size.

The next option, the pocket solution, is one of the least invasive and economical methods of replacing existing windows. The benefits of this solution include:
1. The millwork doesn't need to be replaced
2. It won't disturb interior trim or external siding
3. You will be able to maintain your existing window treatments
4. It is more economical since the surrounding window doesn't need to be replaced or repainted.

Tilt sash replacements won't disturb the architecture of the structure, existing interior trim, or exterior siding.

These windows are built to fit existing window frames, and kits are available in a wide range of sizes, options and accessories.

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